In the ever-evolving realm of Microsoft environments, staying abreast of the latest System Center Configuration Manager (SCCM) versions is paramount for IT professionals. 

This comprehensive guide not only unravels the intricate details of SCCM versions, builds, and updates but also provides a lucid comprehension of the most recent SCCM version as of August 1, 2023.

Unpacking SCCM Versions

Before immersing ourselves in the details of the latest SCCM version, it’s crucial to grasp the underlying structure of versioning. SCCM versions undergo triannual releases, adopting a format based on the year and month. For example, SCCM 2107 signifies a release in July 2021, despite occurring in August. The first two digits denote the release year, while the last two signify the release month.

Navigating SCCM Releases and Build Numbers

Let’s delve into recent SCCM releases and their corresponding build numbers:

Latest SCCM Version (as of August 1, 2023)

  • SCCM 2303;
  • Build: 9106;
  • Full Version: 5.00.9106.1000;
  • Console Version: 5.2303.1089.1000;
  • Client Version: 5.00.9106.1000.

The Evolution of Major ConfigMgr Versions

Understanding the major version history of ConfigMgr is pivotal. From the inception of SMS 1.0 to the current SCCM versions, each major release adheres to a consistent pattern, facilitating easy identification and tracking.

Dive into the world of custom reporting with our guide on SCCM Report Builder.

ConfigMgr Console and Client Version Insight

Explore the intricacies of ConfigMgr console and client versions:

ConfigMgr Console Version (as of August 1, 2023)

  • Major: 5;
  • Minor: 2006;
  • Build: 1026;
  • Revision: 450.

 ConfigMgr Client Version

  • Major: 5;
  • Minor: 00;
  • Build: 9012;
  • Revision: 1000.

Windows 10 or Windows 11 Versions: A Comparative Deep Dive

Navigating SCCM necessitates drawing parallels with Windows 10 and Windows 11 versions. Detailed insights into major, minor, build, and revision numbers offer a profound understanding of the synchronization between operating system updates and SCCM releases.

 Windows 10 Version Example

  • Major: 10;
  • Minor: 0;
  • Build: 19041 (Version 2004);
  • Revision: 450 (Changes after quality updates).

Windows 11 Version Example

  • Major Version: 11;
  • Minor Version: 1;
  • Build: 22000.194;
  • Revision: 450.

Harmonizing Office 365 Apps Versions with SCCM

Microsoft 365 Apps, synonymous with Office 365 Apps, mirrors SCCM’s versioning pattern. Delve into major, minor, build, and revision numbers for Office 365 Apps, ensuring you stay informed about the latest releases.

Office 365 Apps Version Example

  • Major: 16.0;
  • Minor: 13127;
  • Build: 20408;
  • Revision: Continuous updates.

Deciphering SCCM Version Numbers

The structured format of SCCM version numbers, commencing from SMS 1.0 with builds starting at and evolving to SCCM 2012 and CB with builds starting at, showcases Microsoft’s commitment to consistency.

SCCM Client Version Dashboard: Illuminating Client Details

Administrators gain profound insights into SCCM client versions through the SCCM Client Version Dashboard. Examining major, minor, build, and revision details ensures seamless alignment of client components with the overarching SCCM infrastructure.

SCCM Client Version Dashboard

  • Major: 5;
  • Minor: 00;
  • Build: 9012;
  • Revision: 1000 (Subject to change with every hotfix).

Proactive SCCM Management Strategies

As the technological landscape advances, IT professionals must not only grasp the technicalities of SCCM versions but also adopt proactive management strategies. Implementing a robust change management process ensures a smooth transition when updating SCCM versions.

Additionally, regular performance assessments and optimization practices can enhance the overall efficiency of the SCCM infrastructure.

Ensuring Compatibility Across Diverse Environments

With organizations embracing diverse hardware and software environments, ensuring SCCM compatibility becomes paramount. IT administrators should conduct thorough compatibility tests before deploying new SCCM versions. This proactive approach minimizes potential disruptions, ensuring a harmonious integration with existing systems and applications.

Streamlining SCCM Training Programs

Empowering IT teams with the latest knowledge and skills is integral to maximizing the benefits of SCCM. Establishing regular training programs on new SCCM versions, features, and best practices equips personnel with the expertise needed to navigate evolving challenges. 

This investment in skill development enhances the overall proficiency of IT teams, contributing to the successful implementation and management of SCCM.


In this in-depth exploration of SCCM versions, build numbers, and associated components, we’ve demystified the complexities linked with version tracking. Whether unraveling the subtleties of Windows 10 versions or aligning SCCM with Office 365 Apps, this guide serves as an authoritative resource for navigating the intricate landscape of Microsoft configuration management.

Stay tuned for continual updates, as the dynamic nature of IT mandates perpetual vigilance and adaptation. Equipped with a robust understanding of versioning intricacies, IT professionals can confidently guide their organizations toward seamless system management and optimization.